Monday, July 11, 2005

What content will mobile TV serve up?

Forrester: ...programme makers should not rely on the 30-minute slot that works in traditional TV; the mobile environment allows for more creative uses of time outside of that format. Using the example of a commuter on their way to or from work, Forrester opined: 'Expect fast TV to fill short-time gaps - like when waiting for the next train to arrive - to complement longer programmes for more prolonged 'dead' moments such as during the 30-minute train ride.
source & link []

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Poll: 50% will listen to podcasts

Almost a third (32 per cent) of Macworld readers voting in this week's poll already listen to podcasts and another 28 per cent will start to now that iTunes offers them the opportunity, suggesting that with the advent of podcasts in iTunes around 50 per cent of Macworld online readers will be tuning in.

However, a quarter (24 per cent) claim that they are not interested in podcasts, and another 16 per cent don't yet know what they are – although this could be set to change as Apple popularizes the service. [source MacWorld]