Wednesday, July 26, 2006

eircom podcast article

online digital version of the eircom broadband magazine summer edition has a cover story and inner 3 page spread on podcasting. read it here. On a critical note the content could have been written in Aberdeen for all the content is UK focused plus none of the links in the ten listed are Irish. Published by Ashville for Eircom I think it could have looked a lot more local unless I can't see the big picture and Eircom is expanding to the UK? While I know from my logs Ashville read this blog (every page last month) they missed the Irish slant on the podcast story here :-( keep scratching your head Ricky.

morning ireland podcast

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morning ireland has started podcasting. hosted at via colt telecom it is a decent fillet of the 2 hour show distilled to 25 minutes, while this is only half the average dublin commute time, the podcast is for those who did not listen to it live in the traffic jam or did listen and want to hear it again. Im sure some people will be miffed that the bit they heard is not in the podcast, but if you want that try the online archive here