Wednesday, April 19, 2006

16% week on week growth of podcasts

"FeedBurner recently surpassed a major milestone of 44,000 podcast feeds under management, which, according to the CIA World Factbook, exceeds the total number of radio stations worldwide," notes Klau. (reported by

this backs up the claim first made here by Brian Greene in March that global podcast numbers overtaking radio stations. Now excluding all the rest, Feedburner podcast feeds alone out number radio stations against the larger CIA figure of 44,000.

Once again I warn podcast does not equal a radio station but with so such format dilution its apples ipod versus radio orange.

Feedburner claim 20% month on month growth, while I am seeing 16% week on week growth at where on Apr 12 2006 they were tracking 55,000+ podcasts and on Apr 19th 2006 they are tracking 64,000-

The podcasting revolution is on fire still.


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