BBC NewsPod

The BBC download trials have added a daily programme of highlights from BBC Radio News. Interviews and reports from the BBC World Service, BBC Radio 1, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio Five Live, and the BBC Asian Network
When I first discovered podcasts I made a wish list of 3 shows I wanted to get that way as I would rather be sleeping when they are broadcast.
1. Broadcasting House [BBC Radio4] has made it to podcast. downside fi Glover is on a break (maternity leave) and Paddy O'Connell is standing in, other downside, its 14 hours since this mornings BH and the rss feed is still for the 12th March.
2. Dr. Karl Up All Night [BBC Radio Five Live] Karl was replace by chris and now dr. art hister. The upside is that he is a very popular podcaster via triple J from ABC down under.
3. Air America Radio - while I enjoyed their casts for a while after they came out of bit torrent only mode they have since gone pay per listen.
But why do I write this, The BBC has extended the download trial (call it podcasting please) and come up with a beauty, a daily news show mon-fri that goes to server at 17:00. Its called BBC newspod, an awful name, would the BBC call 6 music BBC 6 DAB? No. So why call a show after the annoying part of the pod-cast name, and use pod in its title. I think were in that phase that LP's were in between Mono & Stereo, producers had Stereo but weren't too sure what to do with except confuse the listener, and the danceset stylus makers.
The show is hovering in the 40's & 50's in the UK & Irish iTunes listings and as these are based on new subscriptions and this show is new expect it to fade, but wait a minute, They have yet to publicise it on air, a mere newsletter push catapulted it into the top 100 in less that two weeks, word of mouth and broadcast mail!.
Presented by Eddie Mair its one of a kind in that it is not aired at all, its made for download only and serves up the best news audio that passed the human audio inbox of its producers each week day.
It takes output from across the BBC network so you could hear the chirpy vox-pop from radio1's newsbeat or a heavier piece from Radio4's Today programme. Have a listen - You decide.
get the feed [rss] BBC Radio Newspod
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