Tuesday, November 29, 2005

New organisation formed for podcasters

[SiliconRepublic.com] 28.11.2005 - A new representative body has been established to guide the ever-increasing community of Irish podcasters through the labyrinthine maze of issues ranging from libel and music licensing to sponsorship and product placement, siliconrepublic.com has learned Because the organisation is so new it has only been tentatively titled the Podcasting Representative Body (PodRepBod), explains founder Brian Greene of Doop Design, and like Digital Rights Ireland (DRI) is part of a growing movement focusing on the rights of individuals in the online world. “Effectively it is a forum for people who podcast,” says Greene.

Unlike DRI, which champions and fights various issues, PodRepBod will focus on informing podcasters of topics such as libel law and music licensing regulations so hopefully they won’t run into trouble. Greene is establishing the group because he believes the need exists to safeguard the activity of podcasters with regards to licensing, the law and a range of other issues such as standards, training, hosting, product placement and sponsorship.
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