Saturday, September 23, 2006

RTÉ audience Council on podcasting

To the RTÉ Audience Council on june 7th 2006
Podcasts of Radio Programmes

[link] JP Coakley gave a very interesting presentation on podcasts, including a demonstration, as well as other developments which are taking place. There are many audio podcasts available from RTÉ Radio and a video podcast (Crap Rap) has begun recently – however, it was pointed out that bandwidth can be expensive for the broadcaster and that video podcasts use a great deal of bandwidth. Also, a trial is currently underway to send RTÉ 1 and RTÉ 2 TV live to mobile phones. The best way forward is to move FM into the digital age via DAB as well as developing our online offering. Podcasting still has only a very small number of users but it is not expensive to produce if it is recycled content which has already been generated for radio and television. The question of rights was raised and it was confirmed that rights organisations, record companies etc are anxious to protect their rights.
yes its early days for podcasts but must they only be recycled non music programmes? the BBC is making video and audio podcasts specially for download.YouTube(verb) the TV we pay for with our licence fee (see Late Late Show on YouTube) , the kids will see it on the Bebo flash box TV.

Which mobile operator is streaming RTE TV ? is it DVB-H? does it add up to the audience council quality mark of being "Free To Air"?

Bandwidth is not as expensive as electricity like the €1M+ it costs to power 252LW

DAB is old hat technology invented in 1987 (19 years ago) DAB is sub quality codec cul-de-sac RTE should run away from. Have RTE looked at DRM for FM? there are of 600 HD radio stations on air now in the USA in the MW/FM bands.

extra: a recent podcast of mine dealing with DRM radio


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